Your Great Awakening!
Your Great Awakening!
Is it me, or have things done a complete reversal?

Is it me, or have things done a complete reversal?

A collapsing Covid Narrative, Truckers, Anti-Mandates, etc! I thought the NWO was around the corner?

Please Note: This Blog contains the written and the recorded version of this article.

It was about one year ago when the “vaccine” roll out was in full swing. Millions of people, anxious to get back to a normal life, lined up to receive their shots. It was a new type of technology, though. A type of “Gene Therapy” because unlike traditional vaccines which contain a dead or small sample of the virus, leading your body to develop antibodies, this was different. Thanks to Operation Warp-Speed, the traditional testing of any new drug was waived through an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). The actual test would be the massive roll-out.

I’d like to say that I had done ample reading on this new type of gene therapy. It had been around, but this was the first time it was being deployed globally to tens of millions of people for Covid. And for the record, I do not think there is anything nefarious behind the actual technology, as I believe it holds great promise for the future. Now, having said that, the things with which I take complete objection were the mandates. When it comes to what we put in our bodies, we should be informed so we can give our consent. In fact, that’s the opening statement in the Nuremberg Code. The moment the mandates started, and the more they pushed the vaccines, the more it began to form cracks in the narrative.

Regardless of where you stood or stand on Covid, it is now Endemic, just as the Spanish Flu had become. It is something we need to live with. Luckily, viruses seem to become less sever over time, which is why Omicron was, for most, a head cold. And one year later, we are learning that the vaccines do not last and lose efficacy within months. Hence the “boosters”. But what’s more, we learned that the vaccines neither stopped you from contracting Covid, nor spreading it (Fun Fact: I head already read this in one of the papers on mRNA Vaccines when they came out).

Now that we know all of this, the logical question to me is, “Why have mandates”? If they do not prevent transmission and spread, why mandate them? Because they are new technology without long-term testing, why force someone to get it and fire them from their job if they do not? So why was it that people on TV, Cable News and many politicians screamed at us to do our part and get vaccinated (And if I heard Joe Biden whisper it one more time at us, I was going to scream). Did these people all believe what they were saying, or were they un or misinformed? And if they were misinformed, how come all of the nameless/faceless factcheckers, who seem to instantly check facts that contradict a mainstream narrative, failed to check the facts that these people were screaming at us?

Well anyway, I know this whole subject is a tightrope with many. And I did not write this to talk about the vaccine. My opinion is that your body is yours and what you decide to do, medically, is between you and your Doctor. But the point I do want to make is that last Spring and into Summer, when it seemed the majority of the world leaders and their health officials oddly (and weirdly) seemed to all be in lockstep with regard to how to use and enforce the vaccines, they all had one main objective. Mandate them. And not only mandate them, force people to have to prove they were vaccinated in order to work, go out to dinner, go to the gym or otherwise, live your life. I have to admit. When I saw this, I felt like I stepped into an Alternate Universe; a dystopian world that made George Orwell’s 1984 seem as if it were a road map to real Global Tyranny. And yet, if anyone dared question anything; including even comparing all of this to George Orwell, you were banned and removed from social media, labeled a conspiracy theorist or a grandma-killer.

Yup! This had to be the pre-cursor to the Mark of the Beast! After all, nearly every global leader was all saying the exact same thing. First it was a Green or a Vax Pass, then it would be a microchip implanted into our bodies which would show our vaccine status, as well as contain all of our personal and banking information. (By the way, this technology does exist and is being used. Just not for these purposes). We even watched in shock as people in parts of Australia were being put into, no other way to say it, detention camps if they tested positive.

But all of this for a virus that is completely survivable for most healthy people? Mask mandates for children? After all, Fentanyl deaths have become the number one cause of death for those aged 18-45. Where is the Death Count for this every day on the TV screen? Why no media attention to this? So yes, I became very concerned about what I saw happening around the globe. I know there is a rush to globalism among world leaders. I do realize there are global elites who all graduated from the world’s greatest institutions (tongue in cheek) and are apparently the smartest people on the planet (tongue in cheek again) and they all are in lockstep toward a one-world government. This is actually not a conspiracy theory. It’s all there. But, if I may coin an old phrase, “The best laid plans of mice and men can still go wrong”.

So what went wrong? Everything! At least for the globalists. The vaccines, the origins of Covid being a possible lab leak, the enormous swing of voters from Democrat to Republican (Mind you, I see no difference between the two among establishment members), and finally, the truckers. Apparently, the global push to control the narrative, the mandates, the ban on free speech, as well as any other medicines which Doctors found to be successful, possible severe side effects among younger males, could not be contained. Truth always rises, like cream, to the top. Freedom and liberty have begun to break the dam that has held back ordinary people who want nothing more than to live their lives without the government telling how to do so.

And that is where we are right now. And this has nothing to do with taking a vaccine (if you want it). It has nothing to do with the efficacy of masks. It has nothing to do with being responsible toward those who are most at risk. It has to do with mandates from the government. Rather than do it slowly, the globalists over-reached. They went all in. We know that the way to boil a frog is slowly, and they should have done it slowly if they wanted the public to accept their ever-increasing centralized government controls. But they didn’t.

Yes, their plans which had been in the making for decades have all come apart in real time, and in plain view. To me, the truckers are the tipping point. They represent ordinary, hardworking people. These truckers come from all races and religions (Translation: they are not all white supremacists). It’s actually the biggest story on the planet, but you won’t see much of it on the cable news networks. And this is why I know it is so important. Whatever mainstream media ignores is what is really important. Alas, the truckers are being called the usual names which we all know. And this is what is actually so humorous and is awakening more and more people to the fact that practically everything and anything the media tell us appears to be a lie.

And so I went from being fearful of the future and possibly planning to move into a log cabin in the woods, to seeing the entire corrupt global cabal of supposed brilliant international elitists and intellectuals, crumble and fall. And there’s nothing they can do about it. Maybe start a war? Nope. The people are not having it. The people are starting to realize that it is they who have the real power. They have learned that all you need to do is say No. Just like Rosa Parks! It’s easy if you try. Just like the truckers and the millions of Canadians and Americans who are supporting them. They are not Anti-Vax as the media are calling them. They are anti-mandate. In other words, against the government forcing them to inject an experimental gene therapy into their bodies which, as we now know, doesn’t work as advertised.

I believe in freedom. I believe that just as we were created by God, the Creator, Source and given free choice, that free choice cannot be taken away by governments. And worst of all, our leaders are no longer trusted, much less believed after two years of catching them maskless in public and defying their own orders. Their corruption and hypocrisy have been exposed for everyone to see. Everyone who wants to see, that is. There are still a percentage of the population who believe the media and politicians. But I believe that what we are experiencing is the real Great Awakening. It is coming from where it should; from within. I think far too many people sat back and expected a person to come along and save us. When that didn’t seem to be happening, many finally began to take back their own freedom for themselves. And as this number grows, it is becoming increasingly impossible for these tyrannical mandates to stand.

Here is my prediction. Take it for what it’s worth. Centralization of all things is coming to an end. This includes governments, institutions, medicine, education and banking. It is a system which has betrayed ordinary people of all races and religions, while benefiting the select few. This fact is now on parade, and everyone sees it. It’s why Bitcoin (which few actually understand) is now being used as the official currency in El Salvador and will soon be so for far more exploited countries trying to secure their independence from global banking. It’s why the number of homeschooled children has tripled since 2016 and shows no sign of retreating. It’s why new tech, new independent news and new ideas are taking hold and removing the old ties that bound us. This is the new beginning This is the REAL reset. We the People are resetting things the way We want them! We are resetting things to work for us, not for them.

Use this wonderful time to go even further within yourself and find your purpose. Go outside and meet and speak with your neighbors. The more you do, the more you realize that you are not alone. You are not in a minority of thinking. The media’s job was to make ordinary people feel as if they were the minority. That was to demoralize people, keep them quiet and make them fall in line. But alas, we who are freedom loving people and respect everyone’s right to live their lives in peace are the true majority. We know it. They always knew it. But now, we are doing something about it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Real Great Awakening!

Your Great Awakening!
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